Thursday, September 25, 2008

Disney Trip

Sorry for the picture overload here but just wanted to post an update about our trip!! We had a blast. I was feeling a little guilty at first for leaving our dogs and home for our neighbors to care for but when I realized our electricity was going to be out all week I was glad I was at Disney! :P

On Friday we caught one of the last flights out of Houston and flew into Tampa, FL. We drove down to St Petersburg and stayed the night on the ocean. This was Coop's first "real" time to see the ocean! (We don't really count Galveston :P) He loved it though.


Here we are outside of the Nemo ride. We had tried to make our best fish faces ever. :P

In front of the castle


With Buzz and Woody


Enjoying dessert at Boma (and yes...all those plates in front of him were his!)

Sharing a chocolate covered, oreo cookie covered, white chocolate drizzled, mickey shaped rice krispie treat! mmmmmm....


Cooper as a Jedi (or whoever those people are that fly the ships on Star Wars...yea...I know...I'm probably disgracing a lot of you for not knowing!)


And this was the coolest...Coop got called out of the crowd by Captain Jack Sparrow to be initiated as an official Pirate!

Us at Epcot

Ok...that's probably enough for now. :)


The Sawyers said...

Arrr.. Way to go Captain Coop!

You look great Nici. Glad you had a great trip...I knew you would though!
Sure would like some belly pics :)

Denese said...

What a GREAT time you are having!! You look fabulous!!!