Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Will it seriously get bigger????

I ask myself this question every day and somehow miraculously it does!!! Ahhh....I'm scared to see the end result. :P

So here I am at 31 weeks:

With clothes:

Bare belly:


And another fun comparison picture to my pregnancy with Coop. Seriously...I think I was this big at 16 weeks this time around.

31 weeks with Cooper:


Monday, January 19, 2009

Alanna is head down!

So I have to say there are huge perks to having a friend who is a labor and delivery nurse! She let me take a peek tonight at my baby girls to see if their positions have changed. THANK YOU KRISTI!!!

Well just as I had suspected little baby A is cooperating and has turned head down. Woohoo!!! Not sure if it was the threats of no boyfriends until she is 21, the hypnosis, the homeopathy, or all the prayers that worked but none-the-less...she turned!!! Baby B (aka Abigail) however needs more encouraging. But she'll get there and she doesn't matter as much (don't tell her I said that :P). All I need is Baby A to be good to go on a vaginal birth! Now just pray she stays put while I work on Abigail!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

29 weeks....

So I had my dr appt today and everything is looking good. I had a little scare on Sunday night b/c of the darn full moon but she checked me and it didn't cause any problems and everything looks good. So I'm still just waiting patiently and praying Jan and Feb FLY by as quickly as possible!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Professional Photos

So one of my bestest friends that I've known forever did professional photos of me over the holidays! (Thanks Courtney!) I'm so happy how they turned out! It was hard to pick my favorites to share but here are a few that I loved.

My all time favorite!


And some more great ones...








Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Girls are growing great

We had an ultrasound today and thankfully they are both still girls!!! I sorta got worried this week about that. :P They are both weighing in exactly the same at 2 lbs 9 oz so I have over 5 lbs of baby in me already. At this point they should gain around 1/2 a lb a week so they are starting to get big quite rapidly (thankfully I just invested in new stretch mark cream).

The not so good news is they are HORRIBLY positioned! My stubborn little girls seem to like to snuggle a bit too much and aren't focusing on their birth at the moment. They aren't really breech or transverse...they are more wrapped together like pinwheels with both of their heads up high. Alanna's head is in the upper left hand corner and her legs go down and around to my lower right hand side and Abigail's head is also around the upper left hand side with her back on my right side and her knees tucked into the middle all wrapped up with Alanna's legs. So...definitely not getting a Dr to birth these babies in that position so definitely need some repositioning going on soon!!!!

I'm about to take some homeopathic remedies, get on my hands and knees and turn on my hypnobirthing "Turn Breech Babies" CD and convince them to move. If that doesn't work I may shine a flashlight down at the bottom to see if they'll turn to the light, visit a chiro and/or accupuncturist, and I've even heard burning some special incense and waving it around your big toe will help. We'll see what kind of voodoo, witchdr-ish stuff I can come up with to try! :P If anyone has any suggestions to turning two babies I'm open to them!!!! I may just have to threaten them with a lifetime of chores and no dating until they are 21. :P are some pics of the darling girls. We couldn't get great ones b/c of their super strange positioning so this is as good as we got.



