Thursday, October 30, 2008

The verdict is in!

We had our ultrasound today...and its TWO GIRLS!!!! I'm seriously in shock!! Alanna and Abigail is what we plan on naming them and we'll probably call them Abby and Ally! I can't believe its two girls!!! Here's a few shots for ya!



Babies playing footsie!


Both of their girl shots!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friend had quintuplets!!

I've made a new friend during this journey who has been pregnant with quintuplets...well she just had them yesterday at 33 weeks!!!! She did so amazing carrying them for so long and she had some big healthy babies! Her largest was close to 5 lbs!! Please be praying for her and her babies and that they have a quick hospital stay and are home soon! Here's her blog if you want to see. :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Almost 17 weeks!

I'll be 17 weeks in two days...seems crazy how fast things are starting to fly! Here's my recent belly pics!

I've definitely popped since my last pics!!!

Just a little over a week left until our big ultrasound!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Babies are doing great!

I had a dr appointment today and we got to see the babies! They have gotten so much bigger since last time we saw them. We didn't get a chance to peak at the gender but we'll find out what they are on October 30th! I can't wait!!